Sunday, November 18, 2007


Announcement No. 1: The Monster Baby Pool is now closed. We apologize for the inconvenience, but if you were this late submitting your entry, you've probably missed out on other stuff before and you should be used to it.

Announcement No. 2: Another reason we're closing the entries is because we know when (if things continue as they are now) baby Stoke/Tate will be born.

The above announcements are based on the discovery that our baby has not yet flipped into a position that will support a normal birth. Stoke is breech, and at this phase of the game, not likely to flip on his/her own. After careful consideration, we have decided to plan a C-section for a couple days before our expected due date. Rest assured, both Mommy and Baby are healthy and doing well, although Amy is about ready to be done with the 'last month' aches and pains. Sooo... we now eagerly await our first baby's birth. (even though we have a receipt that tells us the time and place). Your continued thoughts and prayers are appreciated, as always, and we look forward to sharing our big news with you when that wonderful day comes.

In the mean time, we DO have an image from our last Ultrasound that shows us how Stoke is positioned inside Amy.

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